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LX 95 is a lightweight, fast-operating square plate compactor, developed for efficient compaction of sand, gravel, and mixed soils. It is ideal for flush compaction in confined spaces, for example inside of corners, manholes, drainage inlets and trenches and next to posts - everywhere you need to change direction and turn around often and quickly. The easy manoeuvrability paired with high operating weight and speed makes this compactor an attractive alternative to rammers and reversible plate compactors.
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The ingenious low-vibration handle (below 2.5m/s²) protects you from unhealthy vibration levels.
The compact size and design of the plate as well as the protected engine allow you to manoeuvre this machine with ease in confined spaces and close to edges and walls.
The throttle control is conveniently placed so it can be reached while holding on to the handle.
LX 95 features a high mounted lifting point suitable for lifting with a fork or with a lifting belt. Optional transport wheels are available for smooth transport without having to manually lift the machine.
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